
Holep ( Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate).
This procedure is also done endoscopically. The main advantage of this procedure is that it can be done for high-risk cardiac patients. Another advantage is that the size of the prostate is not a limitation for this procedure.

Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery
A flexible scope is passed through patient’s urinary system through the natural orifice. The entire urinary system is visualised with a high definition camera system attached to the scope.

The stone can be visualized in the ureter and can be broken by holmium laser. The small pieces of the stone can be removed by means of forceps or left to be passed on their own.

In this procedure, stones within the kidney are removed by making a small key hole in the back region. Then a tract from the skin into the kidney is established, through which rigid straight instruments are passed inside and the stone is broken into smaller pieces using ho;mium and removed.

Laser prostate surgery
This is the most promising technique among the newer modalities for the treatment of enlarged prostate The treatment involves the use of Holmium laser to remove the enlarged portion of the prostate. This provides long lasting relief for urinary problems from BPH.

ZSR Circumcision
Disposable circumcision anastomat (ZSR) is a surgical instrument for circumcision and suturing surgery in Male Urology. This Disposable circumcision stapler is a sterile, hand-held, manual surgical instrument preloaded with non-bioabsorbable skin staples intended to be used to perform a circumcision.

Laparascopic Urologic Surgery
Many traditional urologic surgical procedures require large incisions with lengthy hospitalization and recovery.

Kidney Transplantation
Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for people with kidney failure. This allows patients to stop dialysis, decrease their fluid and diet restrictions, and enjoy a much better quality of life.

Penile Prosthesis
It is an effective solution for organic erectile dysfunction (ED) in patients who do not respond to conservative (non-surgical) therapies. Patient satisfaction rates with penile prostheses are over 90%.

Malleable Prosthesis
This is a flexible penile implant that consists of two firm but flexible rods that are placed into the shaft of the penis. There are no other parts to this implant.

Microscopic Varicocelectomy
Varicocele is an enlarged vein that’s similar to a varicose vein.In this case, the vein is in the scrotum, the sac of loose skin that contains the testicles. However, varicoceles can be more than just cosmetic.